I've been doing some heavy thinking these past few days. It all started with yet another blog.
FlowerPatch Farmgirl is a blog that speaks to me in a way few writers can; I look forward to her updates daily more than any other blog that I follow.
Shannon's words are like produce straight from the garden of her soul. Raw, still smelling of the fresh soil that clings to them and so full of life that you can taste them.
Words that make me laugh and cry alternately with the emotion that flows so freely it becomes my own.
Several days ago she posted about peeling back layers of selfishness. Slapped me straight upside the head.
It is about layers! Everytime that I put down self and do for someone else instead that's a layer of selfishness that is peeled away. And everytime I feel resentment about doing something or not having any "me" time it's evidence of a layer that needs to be pulled away.
Cause it's not about me, it's about others. And the more I live in unselfishness, the more like Jesus I become. The Bible says He was tempted in every way and I'm sure that taking a few days off from taking care of everyone else's needs was probably one of those temptations.
But He knew His assignment was not about Him it was about everyone else. And my assignment isn't about me, it's about my family, my friends, ministry, and the stranger I see at Wal-Mart.
So I'm praying, "Lord, peel back the layers of selfishness and let Your love shine through!" Amen.